Treatment of prostatitis with folk methods: the most effective means

Prostatitis is a fairly common disease among the male population. It occurs as a result of inflammation of the prostate in men between the ages of 20 and 50. More often, prostatitis occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs. If the prostatitis is infectious in nature, prostatitis is treated as a bacterial disease.

There are various ways to treat prostatitis and any other disease.

Every person decides for themselves how to treat their illness. There are people who only use traditional methods, while others accept nothing other than synthetic drugs. In both cases, people are primarily responsible for their own health.

If the disease occurs, it is important to assess your own condition and describe the symptoms precisely. If you want to overcome an illness using a traditional method, but are not entirely confident in your knowledge and experience, you can seek advice from a herbalist who will choose the right treatment using herbs or other natural methods. After the person decides to manage the disease on his own, he takes full responsibility and begins treatment.

The effectiveness of traditional treatment

Whether the traditional treatment method helps or not depends on many factors:

  1. Stage of development of the disease and its form.
  2. The general psycho-emotional state of a person, which, in turn, determines the level of immunity. The happier and positive a person is, the higher their body's natural defense functions are.
  3. Correctly selected treatment method, dosage, regularity and duration.

One of the most important rules that must be followed when treating prostatitis using traditional methods isFollow the prescribed schedule regularly and patiently. How long treatment needs to be continued depends on the stage of the disease. Sometimes it can take 2-3 weeks or a month or longer.

When starting to treat prostatitis using the traditional method, it is important to know that in the initial stages of treatment there may be an exacerbation of the disease. This is an important fact that you need to remember and, above all, not be afraid of. Usually the exacerbation lasts 2 or 3 days. Then it will be easier. Once the period of improvement has begun, you should definitely not stop treatment, otherwise the symptoms may recur and you will have to start all over again. Often treatment procedures should be completed for a week after the main treatment period.

And the most importantobligatory positive attitude towards recovery. Sooner or later, even the most desperate skeptics come to this conclusion. In addition, this fact has long been proven by psychology. With faith in recovery, with the attitude "everything will be fine, " the body finds it easier to cope with the disease. If at least one organ or organ system fails in a person's body, the entire body continues to work to recover. The immune, hormonal and nervous systems "turn on".

Indications and contraindications are not canceled

For each drug there are indications and contraindications for use. The same situation applies to traditional treatment methods. Many people believe that the common method of overcoming prostatitis is "herbal treatment". This verdict is not entirely correct; any product absorbed by the human body can help or harm. That is why it is so important to approach treatment correctly!

On the topic of "treatment of prostatitis" there is a lot of advice about traditional treatment methods. It is always important to remember that not every method is effective for two different people. While one man's immune system responds well to bee products, another is afraid of it toojust drink a cup of tea with honey.

And for the prevention and treatment of physical exercises (squats and bruises)

One of the simple and effective methods of treating and preventing prostatitis is performing physical exercises. By the way, men who lead a healthy, active lifestyle are less likely to develop this disease. However, this method helps if the form of the disease is not bacterial. Such methods are effective, but require a lot of effort and time.

You need to squat deeply and gently, with your arms extended. It is worth starting squats with a minimum number of repetitions - the main thing is comfort. Ultimately, you need to do 100 squats in 2 or 3 sets. Three times a week will be enough. In no case should you do a lot of squats at once - the effect will be the opposite of what you expected. Verified. If you start the exercises gently, gradually and consciously, you will have enough strength, energy and desire to carry out the complex for a long time and effectively.

Exercises to prevent prostatitis

To squeeze. The essence of the method is to compress the pelvic and anal organs. Inhale - squeeze - as you exhale tense your muscles and count to 10 - exhale and relax. You should start with 10 compressions a day and monitor the condition. Over time, increase the number of compressions to 100. Perform compressions 2 – 3 times per week.

Pumpkin seeds

Since this method of overcoming prostatitis was used by healers in ancient times, it is worth trying. The product is accessible and cost-effective.

Pumpkin seeds for men's health and strength

The seeds should be taken raw and once a day – 40 pieces. For some, the method may seem strange and funny, but pumpkin seeds contain the right amount of zinc, which is specifically necessary for men's health. Take it for a whole month and in courses. You need at least 2 to 3 such courses per year.

Pine baths

Baths with pine needles are effective as a complementary treatment element. Needles relieve inflammation, relieve pain and relax. To prepare a pine bath, you need to take 1 teaspoon of tincture per 1 liter of water with a temperature not exceeding 37 degrees Celsius. The duration of an operation is 20 minutes. Use the method until the condition improves and the pain subsides.

Pine baths with salts


It cannot be said unequivocally that pollen treats prostatitis, but it is the most effective remedy for strengthening immunity. Depending on the specific dose, pollen works quickly or slowly.

Bee pollen for the treatment of prostatitis

During exacerbation of the disease, a loading dose of the product is required –30g. Afterwards, taking 10 g of pollen per day is sufficient. Definitely in the first half of the day. Treatment only in courses: take one month, pause the next. Approximately 5 courses are required per year.

Diet to help

Many skeptics will view this recommendation with doubt and ridicule. But those who have tried it are happy with the result. Of course, not only people with an inflamed prostate should pay attention to a healthy diet, but everyone else too. But especially with prostatitis, certain dietary restrictions eliminate additional irritation of the prostate and strengthen the immune system.

The basis of the menu should be fresh vegetables and fruits, non-spicy stewed dishes and fresh juices. Limit consumption of alcohol and salty and spicy foods. The fresher and more natural, the better. When it comes to meat and fish, prefer low-fat varieties.

Of course, dietary nutrition is not a direct indication for the treatment of prostatitis, but, like any other disease, it contributes to recovery.

balanced healthy diet

Versatile and effective wormwood

This method of treating prostatitis deserves special attention. Wormwood is especially effective in relieving inflammation in the urogenital tract (if we are talking about prostatitis, the herb kills pyogenic infections).

Wormwood relieves inflammation of the urogenital tract

The treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. 100 g of vermouth is finely ground by hand and sieved through cheesecloth. They are divided into two parts: one is needed for oral administration, the second for rinsing.
  2. For three days in a row (every 2 hours) you need to take a pinch of herbs orally and wash it down with water. The acceptance mechanism must also be maintained at night.
  3. For the next 4 days, take wormwood only during the day (about 6 times).
  4. At the same time, do microenemas every evening. Add 1 teaspoon to a liter of boiling water. Dry the herbs, let them cool to body temperature (drop onto the inside of the wrist), strain. Take 100 ml of infusion and divide it into two parts. Inject one part into the anus, the second into the urethra (press the edges of the urethra to the tip of the syringe and inject the infusion with a sharp movement). Do douching for 7 days in a row or longer (until the symptoms of the disease disappear).

With a similar method of treatment, it should be noted that wormwood can "uncover" other ailments. There may be weakness, malaise and sometimes joint pain.


Every product consumed by a person is perceived differently by the body. The same goes for parsley. One effect in the soup and a completely different one in the form of concentrated juice. Honestly, the vegetables in the soup give the dish a pleasant smell and a beautiful appearance, but there are very few vitamins left in it.

Parsley has a beneficial effect on the male body

Treatment of prostatitis with parsley perfectly relieves inflammation and restores the functions of the genitourinary system. Parsley should be taken in the form of freshly prepared juice, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

Juice therapy

Even in ancient times, people were treated exclusively with natural remedies. Many consider such an approach ridiculous and stupid in the current era of "medicines and antibiotics". And in vain! Prostatitis can be treated with juices in the early stages of the disease.

Sooner or later the body becomes polluted due to the consumption of numerous (not always necessary and healthy) foods of all kinds. Then weak points begin to worsen, for example the prostate in a man.

Freshly prepared juices from asparagus, cucumbers, carrots or beets perfectly remove uric acid from the body, which is released in large quantities when a man eats a lot of animal proteins. Until the condition improves, you should drink 1 to 3 glasses of juice per day. Better yet, make it a lifelong habit - and drink fresh vegetable or fruit juices with the whole family at least two to three times a week.

raw vegetable juices

Kalanchoe is not only effective for a runny nose

To prepare medicinal raw materials, pour 100 g of crushed Kalanchoe leaves into 100 g of alcohol. Let it steep in a dark place. After 20 days the tincture is ready for use. Take 1 tsp. 3 times daily until symptoms completely disappear. Kalanchoe has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects.

Kalanchoe treats male ailments

Do not despair if the traditional method of treatment in the treatment of prostatitis does not meet expectations. After all, everything is different for everyone. One may have a weak immune system, the other may suffer from bacterial prostatitis, which is mainly treated with medication. Therefore, if a man is affected by prostatitis, you can always consult a specialist, get tested, and then decide on the method of treatment.